Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Importance of Having a Well Designed Mobile Website

More and more people are browsing the web using their mobile phones and on their tablet computers than ever before. If you are a business that sells goods or a service, it is vital that you are able to help your customers by offering just as good a user experience when they are visiting your website on a mobile device as they would get on the desktop version.

Here are just some of the main reasons why it’s important to ensure you have a well-designed, mobile optimised website.

The increase in smartphone use


The number of people browsing the internet from a mobile phone or tablet is increasing at a rapid rate. Approximately 10% of the overall share of all internet use in 2012 came from mobile devices, and this increased to nearer 15% in 2013.

Such an increase in the space of a year shows that we are now in the era where people’s habits are changing when it comes to how they interact with the internet in their everyday lives. You only need to walk down the street, or sit on a bus or train to see how many people are staring at their mobile phone screens. Just ten years ago this never would have been the case. So, if you aren’t already appealing to your customers on phones and tablets, now is the time to do so.

Creates a good user experience

This post is about why it’s important to have a mobile website that is well designed, and much of what we mean by this is to do with the all-important user experience. Gone are the days when you could get away with your full-sized website loading onto a tiny screen. A good digital design agency would tell you that you need to ensure the most important information on your site is displayed at a size that mobile users can see clearly. They should easily be able to navigate to where they want to go.

Not only does this reduce your bounce rate and therefore allow you to be viewed as a more trustworthy website by Google, but people are more likely to return to you in the future if they know the experience they are going to get is a good one.

Don’t let your competitors steal a march

Whilst an increasing number of companies have realized that they need to optimize their websites for mobile browsing, around half still haven’t reached this stage in their website development. This means that there is still plenty of time to get in there and get your company’s website prepared for the mobile age before the vast majority have done so. You don’t want to end up getting left behind after all!

Of course, this does also mean that the other half of companies out there DO already have a well-designed mobile website, meaning that if you haven’t done so yourself yet, you are already being left behind, so you should be making this task one of your marketing priorities!

Publisher: Scriptable Solutions
Source: http://www.scriptablesolutions.com/article.cfm?ArticleNumber=66

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Webster Wine And Spirits Is Getting A New Site

Webster Wine and Spirits has contracted with Scriptable Solutions for a new website.  We are looking forward to designing a website that will capture the hometown feel, convenience, and friendly service that makes this wine and spirits store a neighborhood favorite.  Stay tuned for updates!

View our web design portfolio to see some of our work.

Author: Scriptable Solutions, LLC

Author: Scriptable Solutions
Source: http://www.scriptablesolutions.com/article.cfm?ArticleNumber=47

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Importance of Your Logo

A good logo is one of the most important elements in the branding of your company. Would Nike be as iconic without the swoosh? Or McDonalds without the golden arches? Whether you are a large corporation or a small business, your company logo acts like your company’s face to the world. Your logo is the first thing people notice on your product, your packaging, your business cards or your company website. It’s a magical symbol that instantly identifies your business and visually communicates with your customer-base what your company is all about.
A company logo can create trust and influence how current and prospective customers feel about your company. Without a unique logo design, it is difficult for your company to stand out among your competitors. So it should be no surprise that creating your company logo shouldn't be rushed or taken lightly. But what makes a good logo good?


Your logo should be able to deliver its meaning in just a few seconds. While it needs to be memorable, an effective logo shouldn't be confusing. Need an example? Check out Speckyboy Design Magazine’s list of 50 Simple Yet Highly Effective Logo Designs.

Size and Adaptability

A good logo should be recognizable no matter what size it’s printed in or what it’s being printed on. It’s appearing on business cards, on your website, your mobile website, social media pages, packaging, products, etc. Creative Bloq’s panel of industry experts recently compiled a list of fantastic logos from 2013 that nicely illustrates a logo’s need to be replicable in a range of formats.


A good logo is a reflection of your company. It uses shape, color and/or typography to convey a company’s values and what sets it apart in a visual context. Think of it as an opportunity to imprint a positive memory to current and prospective customers.
No matter how big or small your company is, logo design is one of the most important aspects in your marketing and a vital form of communication with your clients. A good design will help you stand out and assist in the over-all success of your business.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Why You Must Have A Company LinkedIn Page

I have seen numerous discussions about whether, as a company, you need to have a website or a LinkedIn company page. We will tell you why you need both.

It is 2014 so I probably don't need to explain the many reasons why your company needs a website. At least, I would hope not but for those of you who are debated this question here are a few:
  • To educate your past, present and future (I hope) customers
  • To educate people on your company, people and products or services
  • To attract new customers
  • To sell your products or services
One of the benefits is being able to show up in search results when people are looking for products or services that you provide-SEO.
Another valuable tool when it comes to SEO is having a blog. I am not talking about having a free blog on some other website but I am talking about a blog built on your website. This will do a couple of things:
  • Improves your SEO - updating with fresh content
  • Adds web pages which can show up in organic search results
  • Gives you content which you can use to post for status updates on Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
That leads us to LinkedIn. I have heard from many business owners that one reason (excuse) that they do not have a LinkedIn company page is that they do not have the time to update their status. Well, by having a blog you can automate this with a tool such as Hootsuite or one of the many other tools for posting. With Hootsuite you can even set it up so that when you post to your blog it will automatically post to your LinkedIn company page.
LinkedIn Company Page
This might still not be enough to convince you why you need a company page. Here are some compelling stats from LinkedIn. I think that these illustrate why most companies should have company pages on LinkedIn: see all the stats here
  • LinkedIn counts executives from all 2013 Fortune 500 companies as members; its corporate talent solutions are used by 90 of the Fortune 100 companies.
  • More than 3 million companies have LinkedIn Company Pages.
  • There are more than 1.5 million unique publishers actively using the LinkedIn Share button on their sites to send content into the LinkedIn platform.
  • LinkedIn members are sharing insights and knowledge in more than 2.1 million LinkedIn Groups.
Pretty amazing! Right? Well here is the stat that should really convince you!
  • LinkedIn members did over 5.7 billion professionally-oriented searches on the platform in 2012.

Wow! 5.7 billion searches!
Do you want to show up? Do you want to attract professionals? If your company sells B2B this is the ultimate no-brainer.
Plus, now with "Showcase Pages" you can highlight the various products or services that your company offers. Plus, showcase pages can be extremely effective in allowing your organization to target people doing these 5.7 billion searches. You have to have a LinkedIn company page in order to create showcase pages.
You can learn more about how you can leverage the power of LinkedIn showcase pages here.
Plus, if you sell products or services through dealers, agents, resellers, etc. you can learn more about how to leverage your opportunities here.
Jim Oborny is co-founder and CEO of Bleapp, a powerful promotion, loyalty, and engagement platform for agencies and their brands. Bleapp offers the Social Scratch Off™ promotion apps. Connect with Jim jim@bleapp.com @jimoborny LinkedIn

Publisher: Scriptable Solutions
Source: http://www.scriptablesolutions.com/article.cfm?ArticleNumber=56

Saturday, April 19, 2014

FORE Performance Contracts With Scriptable

FORE Performance, a golf fitness and personal performance facility in Rochester, NY, has signed with Scriptable Solutions to design and develop their new website.  Just as they make their clients rise to the challenge of meeting personal fitness goals, we are motivated to take on the challenge of this exciting new project.

View our web design portfolio to see some of our work.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Four Things To Consider Before Writing Web Content

Having a website is important. I’m sure you know this already. To me, not having a website is much like not appearing in the Yellow Pages 20 years ago — it’s expected.
 The steps you must take before writing web content.
Without a website you are invisible to many potential clients and, quite frankly, you can seem a bit behind the times to your clients.
However, before you rush in feet first to join the 21st century, there are a few things to think about — you must make a plan.
In this post I explain four important things to consider before writing web content. If you find this useful please share. I’m also keen to read your comments.

1: What do you want to achieve?
When I worked in sales, my manager taught me to be clear about my objectives before visiting clients. There were several possibilities, like getting a sale, finding out information or, perhaps, solving a problem for a client. I’d very rarely drop in to chat about the weather (unless relationship building was my objective).  After all, with their salaries, company cars and cell phones, etc., sales people are expensive. They need results to justify their existence.
Your website should function as a ‘silent sales person’ and support your objectives — it must pay its way.
So, what objectives might your website have? You may want it to:
  • build brand recognition
  • build a data base (get people to sign up to your newsletter)
  • get direct sales (add to the basket)
  • get people to contact you.

Whatever your objectives, you should determine what they are first.

2What do your clients want?
It’s not about you, it’s about your clients — a cliche, I know, but true none the less. So, your content must be based around your clients.
When someone visits your website, they will be looking for answers. They may want to know:
  • Can you solve their problem?
  • What do they need to know that they’re not aware of?
  • Are you stable and trustworthy?
  • Do you understand their needs?
  • What are your values?
You should ask these questions before writing your copy. Rule of thumb: Everything you write should have a purpose. If it doesn’t, leave it out.

3: Tone of voice
Your tone of voice expresses your brand and personality. In an over-crowded market, it’s an effective way to differentiate yourself from your competitors. The structure of your sentences determines your tone of voice. For example, an accountant may want to portray a serious image and use formal language in the third person. A cafe owner, on the other hand, may want to portray a fun and creative image and use casual language in the first person.
Whatever you decide, it is important to set some guidelines and be consistent.

4: Search engine optimization (SEO)
SEO is the process of preparing content for search engines, like Google. There are many elements to SEO and the rules often change. However, if you focus on well-written content that answers your clients’ questions you can’t go far wrong. One key element that is still important is the use of keywords in your content and title tags.  As a web copywriter, I spend several hours researching keywords before I write anything.
What is a keyword? 
Keywords are the words or phrases that people use when searching online. It is important to know what keywords your clients are using in order to incorporate them in your copy.
They fall into two categories: Short-tail and long-tail. A short-tail keyword contains one to three words (web copywriter); a long-tail keyword is longer (How to write content for a website). Though long-tail keywords are searched for less, they are generally more valuable  because they are more specific.  If someone finds your page using a long-tail keyword they are much more likely to be interested in what you offer.
How to find keywords
Think about the questions your clients may ask. That is a good place to start. You can also study the keywords your competitors use by visiting their websites. All you do is right click on the text and then click ‘view page source.’
Once you have compiled a list of keywords, you can use tools like Google keyword planner to gauge how much competition there is for a keyword and how often it is searched for. To be honest, Google keyword planner isn’t particularly accurate as it only relates to keywords people use in Google Adwords. However, it still provides a guide.
Too many businesses seem to think that just having a website is enough. This might have been the case 10 years ago. However, today it is an on-going challenge to compete against the multitude of other websites in you niche. If you take these four steps before you start, though, you will certainly be on the right track.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Five Key Element Of An About Page

So what does a freelance writer include in an About page? To follow are five key elements:
The human element
I’m sure you already know that people do business with people. For this reason it’s important to show the human face of your business. As the saying goes, “A picture paints a thousand words,” so an easy way to humanise your business is to include good-quality photos of you and your staff. Don’t make the mistake of using stock photography, though; this looks fake; show your face just as you would in the real world. If you feel you’re not photogenic enough, a professional photographer will capture you at your best.
Along with photos, you can include a brief biography of the key players in your organisation. This could include their qualifications, previous work history and a bit about what they do outside of work. All of these things give your prospects real people to relate to.
Tell your story
Storytelling is a great vehicle for communicating your purpose, values and points of difference in a non-salesy way. It enables prospects to make an emotional connection; to put themselves in your shoes.
So, why not tell a story about why you started in business, what challenges you faced, what milestones you’ve achieved along the way and what your plans are for the future?
Focus on your customers
Always keep your customers in mind. Your business’ story and staff profiles should focus on what you can do for your customers.  So, rather than just writing: “We have been a member of the Best Business Association for five years.” Write something like: “We have been a member of the Best Business Association for five years. To be a member of this association, we must continually up skill and demonstrate that we meet the highest industry standards.  So you can rest assured that you will always receive the most professional service.”
Give them proof
Okay, you’ve created a wonderful story about your business, but you need to back it up with proof. Anything you have that demonstrates that you can deliver the goods should be put on your About page. Why not include testimonials?  Personally, instead of putting all my testimonials on a “Testimonial page,” I spread them throughout all of my pages. Also, if you are a member of a respected organisation within your industry, show their logo.
Call to action
Though your About page is not about “hard sell,” that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a call to action. Make sure that at the end of the page you include a call to action that encapsulates the benefits you offer with contact details.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Preview DC Registered Agent's New Site

Take a quick look at the "in-progress" website work we have done for D.C. Registered Agent.  D.C. Registered Agent assists businesses located in Washington DC with registering, obtaining licenses, ordering documents, etc.  Our work on this website is nearing completion and should be up and running for businesses to utilize shortly.

Take a sneak peak at the new website for DC Registered Agent

Author: Scriptable Solutions
Source: http://www.scriptablesolutions.com/article.cfm?ArticleNumber=38

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Social Media Marketing: How To Take The Local Approach

We tend to keep tabs on the huge companies out there who are really killing it on social media. Campaigns like those put forth by the likes of Oreo or Ford stay on our radar because they set the trends. What you may not know is that social media marketing can extend into the local market as well. In fact, a report put together by BIA/Kelsey for Surefire Social showed that 60% of franchise businesses use their Facebook pages for local promotions. This well surpasses the percentage of national brands that use other promotional efforts to target the local space, with 43.2% saying they use newspapers and just 36.8% indicating they use email marketing.
So how can you get in on this rising trend? We’ve put together some helpful tips for targeting the local market with your social media efforts. The good news here is you’ll find it doesn’t differ that dramatically from nationwide campaigns. You just–as you’d might expect–have to be more focused.

Step 1: Claim Your Local Profiles

There are many social sites dedicated to providing information about local businesses. It’s important you have control over your profiles on these sites to ensure the information there is correct and up-to-date. It also has a tremendous impact on your SEO, since these sites tend to rank high and having a profile on them increases the likelihood people will be able to find you using “city name + industry” search queries.
A few sites you need to sign up for and/or claim your profiles on include:
You’ll also want to make sure you have profiles on all of the major social media sites that apply to your industry. Regardless, Facebook and Twitter are a must.

Step 2: Take Full Advantage of Google

We already mentioned that you need to claim your Google Places listing but there’s a bit more to it than that. You see, having a Google+ page for your business and utilizing Google Maps can increase search traffic to your site. The more complete your profile is, the more likely it is it will appear at the top of personalized search results for your local demographic. In case you need more convincing, nearly 40% of national brands utilize Google site services to increase brand recognition in search, especially in local search. So, you would be remiss if you didn’t follow suit. 

Step 3: Optimize Your Facebook Page

If you don’t have one already, now is the time to create a Facebook Page for your business. Just select “Local Business or Place” and you’ll be off to the races. Fill out all of your details. While you can update your Page at any time, it’s a good idea to fill out every section of the Page when first setting it up. Why put it off? And the more complete your information is, the more it will appeal to your target audience. It also increases the likelihood your Page will appear within the site’s internal search results. 

Step 4: Don’t Forget About LinkedIn

You have a LinkedIn profile already, right? What about a LinkedIn Company page? While they’re not exactly known for being hubs of activity, it’s still important to have a page for your business on the site. It’s yet another place online where people can find out about your company and another place where you can include the location information for your business. Making the effort here makes your business more findable. And that’s essential in the competitive local business landscape.

Step 5: Promote Wisely

Once all of your profiles are set up, you can start actually, you know, using them. This means posting about promotions you’re running at your store or local events you’ll be attending. It means posting the occasional coupon or discount and interacting with your fans and followers. But there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Be mindful of how often you post. And don’t make it all about yourself all the time. Showing an authentic side is always appealing, regardless of industry.

Step 6: Keep Your Ear to the Ground

Social media marketing isn’t something you can schedule and walk away from. Well, it technically is in that you can schedule your posts and promotions well in advance. But you need to stick around to interact with people as they comment, share, like, mention, and so forth. You need to show your human side to make the most out of your efforts. If all you do is schedule posts and don’t engage with your followers, your local campaign will be doomed from the start.
Local marketing more so than any other approach is personal. People patronize local businesses because they genuinely like them. If you seem robotic, how can you ever expect people to like you? Keep that in mind as you develop your own local campaign.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

#Web #Designers (Never goes anywhere without #MacbookPro) vs Web #Developers (Brings own keyboard to work) #WebWednesday #SSLLC

#Web #Designers (Never goes anywhere without #MacbookPro) vs Web #Developers (Brings own keyboard to work) #WebWednesday #SSLLC


Black Dragon Tools Is All New

Scriptable Solutions has just completed the website for Black Dragon Tools, a leader in the design, manufacturing, and distribution of automotive and motorcycle tools. This cutting edge company now has a website that reflects the quality of their products. Take a look at Black Dragon Tools!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How SEO Practices Can Measure Social Media Success

Although new tools and methods of compiling statistical evidence of campaign performance are being introduced every day, many social media professionals still seek more information to inform their content strategies. By thinking laterally, combining SEO practices with social media can boost both areas while also creating hard numbers to indicate levels of success.

Including specific keywords and links within content can help to analyse the technical aspects of reach and engagement across social media profiles in three significant ways.

Clickthrough monitoring: Employing keywords alongside traceable links can help to reveal how appealing a specific post might be to followers, as well as the influence of a social platform over time. There are several third-party tools that can shorten, brand, and track links to allow the number of clickthroughs to be recorded for measurement purposes.

Traffic monitoring: Analysing traffic from various sources during set time periods, coordinated with certain campaigns or specific posts, can create a comprehensive picture of social media influence. By incorporating tracking codes into the URLs used within social content, factors such as clickthroughs, bounce rates, and conversion paths can be examined in Google Analytics.

SERP monitoring: Evaluating the search rankings of specific keywords before, during, and after a campaign can add further depth to measuring social media efforts. For example, if a keyword suddenly jumps up in the rankings by a significant amount in conjunction with being used in a post on Facebook, a logical conclusion can be drawn that this particular activity was successful.

By incorporating SEO initiatives within social media strategy, a symbiotic relationship can be formed that benefits both areas of activity. SEO results can be improved through the inclusion of keywords and links across various profiles, and social activities can be enriched through a greater level of understanding to inform more successful tactics and compelling content. Lastly, a brand’s presence on different platforms can be strategically highlighted to draw greater traffic and engagement.

For many brands, these two disciplines remain the responsibility of different departments and implementing an integrated approach requires buy in from both teams as well as a unified strategy. However, if cohesive working cannot be achieved in the short term, social media professionals can easily obtain clickthrough data and search rankings themselves.

Integrating these disciplines is a substantial step closer to answering one of the core challenges of social media, which is creating a concrete definition of success within a field that is governed by constant change, subtle cultural and psychological influences, and untapped potential.

Publisher: Scriptable Solutions
Source: http://www.scriptablesolutions.com/article.cfm?ArticleNumber=52


C & C Creations has launched their brand new website, courtesy of Scriptable Solutions!  This leading provider of gourmet coffees, teas, cocoa's, and gifts, now gives customers an amazing online shopping experience.  By rolling both wholesale and retail into one website, C & C Creations has gained an edge in the market place, and is looking fantastic while doing it!  The complete project details can be found in our web design portfolio.

Author: Scriptable Solutions
Source: http://www.scriptablesolutions.com/article.cfm?ArticleNumber=61

Monday, April 7, 2014

#Web #Developer . . . What my friends, mom, society, boss and I think I do, but this is what I actually do #MediaMonday #SSLLC

#Web #Developer . . . What my friends, mom, society, boss and I think I do, but this is what I actually do #MediaMonday #SSLLC


C&C Creations

C&C Creations - C&C Creations requested a complete redesign that would join wholesale and retail ecommerce into one website, while showing off their different gourmet gifts.


Author: Scriptable Solutions
Source: http://www.scriptablesolutions.com/index.cfm?Page=Web-Design-Portfolio

Black Dragon Tools

Black Dragon Tools - Black Dragon Tools is setting new standards for automotive and motorcycle tools and equipment. They are sought after by professional mechanics and technicians around the Globe!


Author: Scriptable Solutions
Source: http://www.scriptablesolutions.com/index.cfm?Page=Web-Design-Portfolio

Motorcycle Scan Tools

Motorcycle Scan Tools - This website carries the latest in motorcycle diagnostic equipment...including, the MS5950 and MS6050 Universal Motorcycle Scan Tools, diagnostic scanner software upgrades and all of the scan tool cables for advanced diagnostics.


Author: Scriptable Solutions
Source: http://www.scriptablesolutions.com/index.cfm?Page=Web-Design-Portfolio

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Oscar Gile Real Estate Launches New Website

Oscar Gile Real Estate, a leading realtor in Ithaca, NY, has launched its new website designed by Scriptable Solutions. Buying and selling property in this beautiful New York area has never been more fun! The complete project details can be found in our web design portfolio.

Author: Scriptable Solutions
Source: http://www.scriptablesolutions.com/article.cfm?ArticleNumber=48

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Numbers Behind Tumblr: How Big Is Tumblr?

The Numbers Behind Tumblr - infographic

Tumblr - Have you heard this name before?
Well, Tumblr is a micro-blogging and social media website, which allows its users to share photos and videos to engage with other users.
This blogging platform was launched in Feb, 2007 (now owned by Yahoo!) and of this writing, it had more than 168 million blogs with 75 Billion users generated photos.
In addition the social network has 12 million unique mobile users while 53 percent of tumblr visitors are women.
Here's an infographic by WebsiteHostReviews team that takes a closer look at how big is tumblr -  by  comparing its growth to other social media sites.

How Big is Tumblr? - infographic


Motorcycle Scan Tools, "the #1 store for motorcycle diagnostic scanner tools", has launched a new website courtesy of Scriptable Solutions. Customers can now easily locate and purchase all of the tools necessary to inspect and maintain their rides. Check out Motorcycle Scan Tools!

Author: Scriptable Solutions
Source: http://www.scriptablesolutions.com/article.cfm?ArticleNumber=59

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Five Statistics That Will Make Businesses Reconsider Their Social Media Strategy

Social media lies at the core of almost all our communications in today's tech-friendly society, especially for businesses. It has paved the way for increased transparency by establishing a two-way stream of communication between organizations and their key audiences.
As more and more users join the conversation and new platforms continue to arise, it is vital for businesses to have a social media plan and presence in place. But social media plans are not one-size-fits-all; companies must tailor their social media strategy to accommodate their unique business goals and target demographics.
Fast Company published an article noting some remarkable statistics that will make businesses rethink the way they interact and market themselves on social media. I've listed a few of those statistics here along with best practices.
1. The fastest growing demographic on Twitter is the 55 – 64 year age bracket. If this is your company's target demographic, you should be mindful to post content that appeals to members of this age group, rather than just younger demographics.
2. YouTube reaches more U.S. adults aged 18–34 than any cable network. Now is the time to add video to your social media strategy and utilize YouTube's wide user base.
3. Every second two new members join LinkedIn. Companies can make use of LinkedIn's growing user base by catering to new users and providing a wealth of information on their company pages.
4. 189 million of Facebook's Users are "Mobile Only" With this in mind, you must consider how your organization's website and content displays on mobile devices.
5. LinkedIn has a lower percentage of active users than Pinterest, Google+, Twitter and Facebook. Determine how you would like to actively and passively engage with your audience and utilize the appropriate social media platform. For example, a blog post may be better suited for LinkedIn's passive user base, while it may be more effective to reach Twitter and Facebook's active user base through a survey.