Saturday, February 14, 2015


Rochester Abrasives IndustriesScriptable Solutions will soon be managing the social media marketing for Rochester Abrasives Industries! We are in the very early stages of designing and developing a shiny new website and mobile site for this leading distributor of quality abrasive products. And once we are done with that...we are going to be scratching away at their social networks as if we had two turn tables and a microphone. Keep your headphones plugged's coming soon!

View our web design portfolio to see some of our work.

Author: Scriptable Solutions

Friday, February 13, 2015

You said Kanye(@teamkanyedaily) wouldn't start crap at the Grammy's(@thegrammys) this year... The lie detector test determined that was a #lie! #SSLLC #FunFriday #FridayFunny #FunnyFriday

You said Kanye(@teamkanyedaily) wouldn't start crap at the Grammy's(@thegrammys) this year... The lie detector test determined that was a #lie! #SSLLC #FunFriday #FridayFunny #FunnyFriday


Rochester Abrasives IndustriesRochester Abrasives Industries has just contracted with Scriptable Solutions for a spanking new website and mobile design! This distributor of quality abrasive products is requesting a total of 3 websites and 3 mobile designs for its operations. Scriptable Solutions will be scratching away at this project like an SOS Pad on last nights dinner dishes! Get it? Scratching...SOS Pad...abrasives? Oh will our classy websites and witty puns ever come to an end? No, they will not. Stay tuned!

View our web design portfolio to see some of our work.

Author: Scriptable Solutions, LLC

Today is National Get a Different #Name Day! What alias are you using in celebration? We’re going by Chris P. Bacon. #SSLLC

Today is National Get a Different #Name Day! What alias are you using in celebration? We’re going by Chris P. Bacon. #SSLLC

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Find videos uploaded from any location with the YouTube Data API v3

When news breaks, it's critical to have immediate, unfiltered access to information about the unfolding developments. During events like the Ukrainian protests and the Arab Spring, people are uploading firsthand, breaking news stories to YouTube. The YouTube Data API (v3) makes it easier to find those videos by supporting the ability to search for videos within a given radius of specified latitude/longitude coordinates. By using this feature in conjunction with the specific Freebase topic filter and upload date with time, you can discover up-to-the-minute breaking news material from people witnessing important world events.

To see an example, check out this web app that uses the new YouTube location search feature and Google Maps APIs. The app is used by news agencies to find legitimate footage and allows them to filter videos based on location, keywords, and upload time.

To search for geotagged videos, set the latitude and longitude to specify the center of a circular geographic area to be searched and the location radius to define the size of the circle. The radius can be in meters, kilometers or miles with a max size of 1000 KM.
Don’t have the latitude and longitude? Not a problem. The Google Maps API can geo-code search terms(e.g., “Boston”) and return the appropriate geographic coordinates. The Google Maps API also lets you create interactive maps to plot the results of the search. For your convenience, we’re publishing the codeas open source for all to use.
Publisher: Scriptable Solutions

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

SEO Marketing Trends for Business Websites in New York 2015

I didn't believe when I heard from a local blog “SEO has been dead” but the fact is, SEO is still alive and its landscape has been changed. New SEO Marketing trends are adding regularly. Hummingbird, Panda 5.0, Penguin 3.0, Google Authorship, Page Rank Algorithm etc updates have been launched by Google in this year that’s why SEO has been changed holistically. So I think using some new SEO experiments and trends we can fulfill our business gaps. Some time ago, SEO was only link building process on forum, bookmarking, directory, blog, article & press release sites. Now we should have to improve our marketing strategy. Social media, blogging (content marketing) and link building are the most powerful buzzwords in this era.

seo trends in new york

Social Media Marketing Trends:

Social media is the best marketing trend in this era where you can easily amplify your reach. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, Pinterest, Apsense and many more sites are available. Some important points are given below:
  1. Join Facebook groups, Google communities, LinkedIn groups related to your product or business
  2. Must use image while posting on social media sites
  3. Use appropriate Hash Tag (#)  while posting on social media site
    Ex: - #iphoneios8 is awesome
  4. Use tools for improving social media engagement
    Relevant Link - Content Promotion Using Social Media
  5. We should create business fan page on all popular social media sites
  6. Use social media icons and links on business website
  7. Regular posting on social media sites
    Relevant Link – Top Social Media Site’s List 

Blogging or Content Marketing Trends:

Regular blog posting can boost your traffic and conversations. Google loves fresh content. There are some steps which can boost your blogs.
Step 1. Design a good blog with high quality and unique content
Step 2. Blog should be based on new trends
Step 3. Title should be attractive
Step 4. Content should be more than 500 words.
Step 5. Replace repeated words in your content from synonymous.
Step 6. Highlight important lines in your blog.
Step 7. Add author tag and author description in blog
Step 8. Use at least one attractive and unique image in your blog which helps during social media posting.
Step 9. Promote your blog post on all social media sites and its related groups by using different & unique titles.
Relevant Link - How to increase your Blog Traffic
Step 10. Analyze your blog’s traffic using Google Analytic Read More About Google Analytic
Step 11. Improve user connections and engagements.
Step 12. Do some link building for each blog.
Step 13. Use RSS feed/Atom in website for fast crawling or indexing.
Relevant Link - Content or Blog Promotion - Backlinko

Mobile Friendly design must for future:

Today most of New Yorkers use Smartphone and tablets. It will increase in future so responsive website is mandatory today. It's undeniable that mobile users are increasing regularly even Google had announced that it will consider mobile friendly factor in his ranking and it had given a tool for checking mobile friendly design.
Relevant Link - Make your web pages fast on mobile
Relevant Link -   mobile friendly Google test tool

Make your Business Brand:

Brand plays an important role and helps in global marketing. Marketing is getting harder day by day and after making a brand marketing work can be decrease. Keep it in your mind that customer’s satisfaction is the most powerful key factor for branding. Some essential points are given below to make a brand:
  1. Make business/profile page on all social media sites with brand name
  2. Use business logo in all social media postings
  3. Use business name wherever you are interacting with other businesses and people.
  4. Your website should have some pages such as leadership, who I am, about us, terms & condition, private policy, FAQ pages.
  5. Promote your brand on social media regularly
  6. Create YouTube channel and promote your videos on social media sites

Link Building Necessary for Ranking:

I hate link building but they still works a lot and it is very powerful technique to get higher ranking on Google. It is also helpful for making a brand. You can hire a good SEO company for link building because it is really sensitive work, expert’s help will be required for link building causing Google penguin algorithm. Many complications are there in this technique like link building on quality and popular sites, don’t use penalized and banned site for link building, use proper keyword on link, use proper content when you build a link, keep it away from duplicate content, maintain nofollow – dofollow links ratio etc.

Conclusion - I hope you have understood that what exactly the changes are required in SEO and what trends should be used in 2015. SEO is not just a link building technique, it’s a combination of content marketing + Link Building + social media marketing + branding. We should use all platforms and resources to improve business popularity. Some topics like keyword density, title optimization, image optimization, Meta tags, anchor tags, alt tags, site map, robots.txt file, 404 error page and other on page seo techniques are also necessary in SEO so prefer SEO friendly website when you start seo. Just be careful when you start link building. Google analytic and webmaster tool both are very helpful to see results.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Bill Gray's, home of the "World's Greatest Cheeseburger®" will soon be asking their customers, "would you like fries with that?...ONLINE! Booyaa! That's right burger fans, before you can slather on the hot sauce and onions Bill Gray's will be serving up their entire menu for you online. Scriptable Solutions is grilling away at developing an online ordering platform for every single food item that this iconic restaurant has to offer. Every burger, every sandwich, every topping...EVERYTHING! Soon you'll be able to order your Bill Gray's dinner right from your tablet...instead of using it solely for playing Candy Crush. Stay tuned...

Get mobile with Bill Gray's

Author: Scriptable Solutions

Friday, February 6, 2015


Tom Wahl''s, A Family TraditionTom Wahl's, home of the Wahlburger, wants you to have the option of jumping out of line - and getting online to order their delicious food, quick and easy. Scriptable Solutions is pulling some serious late nights building an online ordering system for the entire Tom Wahl's menu...lettuce, tomato and all. And we have to finish up this project fast, because the 3am pizza cravings are destroying our washboard abs - No Joke! It's coming soon y'all...stick around!

Get mobile with Tom Wahl's

Author: Scriptable Solutions

Today in 1958 - Ted Williams signed a 135-thousand dollar contract with the #Boston @RedSox, making him the highest paid player in Major League #Baseball history. Which player today, do you think deserves to be the highest paid? Remember, we’re talking ball players here…not web designers. #SSLLC

Today in 1958 - Ted Williams signed a 135-thousand dollar contract with the #Boston @RedSox, making him the highest paid player in Major League #Baseball history. Which player today, do you think deserves to be the highest paid? Remember, we’re talking ball players here…not web designers. #SSLLC

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

5 Ways To Use Visual Content Marketing To Improve Customer Service

5 Ways To Use Visual Content Marketing To Improve Customer Service

When it comes to attracting more customers, it’s essential to connect with them visually.
People process images faster than any other type of information. In fact, 90 percent of the information that enters the brain is visual and the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text.

To create a strong brand and attract more customers, businesses need to integrate more visuals into their social media strategy. If you’re wondering how you can use visuals to create a stronger customer experience, here are five tips on visual content marketing to get you started:

1. Create Video Product Tutorials

Video content is a great way to interact with customers online. By 2016, 55 percent of Internet traffic will be video.
To help your customers learn about your products, publish video tutorials to your company website or YouTube channel. This is an excellent way to teach your customers about your product and give them the opportunity to interact with your brand.

2. Launch Interactive Marketing Campaigns

People love sharing photos and videos online. In fact, Millennials are abandoning platforms such as Facebook and Twitter for platforms like Snapchat and Instagram in order to share more visual content.
To improve your customer experience, create an interactive marketing campaign that encourages customers to share their videos or photos with your brand. For example, if your business is hosting a launch event, encourage customers to post pictures online using your campaign’s hashtag.
This will increase customer engagement while building your brand at the same time.

3. Record And Publish Customer Interviews

Another unique way to use visual content to engage your customers is to record and publish customer interviews. This will help you build brand awareness and credibility for your business.
For example, schedule a Google Hangout with a customer and ask them to provide a testimonial for one of your products. Not only will you be able to receive a review of your business, but you will also give customers the opportunity to share their opinions.

4. Post Pictures And Videos Of Product Updates

Platforms such as Instagram and Vine are excellent for sharing photos and videos online. For instance,
Instagram has 75 million daily users and receives 15 times more engagement than Facebook
In addition, businesses can use Pinterest to share and curate visual content with their customers.
Give your customers the ultimate experience by giving them an inside look at your business and product through photos and videos. It’s also important to follow your customers’ posts and comment on the visual content they publish online. This willbuild engagement for your brand and boost customer loyalty.
When using Pinterest for customer service, create a board that includes photos and videos of new products and promotions. This is a great way to inform your followers about your products and keep everything in one place.

5. Answer Customer Questions

Another way to build engagement with your customers is to answer any of their questions regarding your products, services, or general questions.
Record your answers to customer questions in a video and post them to your website or company YouTube channel. By doing this, you’ll show your customers you’re listening to their needs and investing time in building a relationship with them.
Visual content is strongly influencing the way customers purchase products and make decisions online. By integrating more visual content into your social media strategy, you’ll be able to reach more customers and build stronger relationships.
To learn more about visual content marketing and how it impacts customer service, check out the infographic below:

5 Ways To Use Visual Content Marketing To Improve Customer Service

[This article and the infographic was provided by Jennifer Landry, social media researcher and marketing expert]

Publisher: Scriptable Solutions