More and more people are browsing the web using their mobile phones and on their tablet computers than ever before. If you are a business that sells goods or a service, it is vital that you are able to help your customers by offering just as good a user experience when they are visiting your website on a mobile device as they would get on the desktop version.
Here are just some of the main reasons why it’s important to ensure you have a well-designed, mobile optimised website.
The increase in smartphone use
The number of people browsing the internet from a mobile phone or tablet is increasing at a rapid rate. Approximately 10% of the overall share of all internet use in 2012 came from mobile devices, and this increased to nearer 15% in 2013.
Such an increase in the space of a year shows that we are now in the era where people’s habits are changing when it comes to how they interact with the internet in their everyday lives. You only need to walk down the street, or sit on a bus or train to see how many people are staring at their mobile phone screens. Just ten years ago this never would have been the case. So, if you aren’t already appealing to your customers on phones and tablets, now is the time to do so.
Creates a good user experience
This post is about why it’s important to have a mobile website that is well designed, and much of what we mean by this is to do with the all-important user experience. Gone are the days when you could get away with your full-sized website loading onto a tiny screen. A good digital design agency would tell you that you need to ensure the most important information on your site is displayed at a size that mobile users can see clearly. They should easily be able to navigate to where they want to go.
Not only does this reduce your bounce rate and therefore allow you to be viewed as a more trustworthy website by Google, but people are more likely to return to you in the future if they know the experience they are going to get is a good one.
Don’t let your competitors steal a march
Whilst an increasing number of companies have realized that they need to optimize their websites for mobile browsing, around half still haven’t reached this stage in their website development. This means that there is still plenty of time to get in there and get your company’s website prepared for the mobile age before the vast majority have done so. You don’t want to end up getting left behind after all!
Of course, this does also mean that the other half of companies out there DO already have a well-designed mobile website, meaning that if you haven’t done so yourself yet, you are already being left behind, so you should be making this task one of your marketing priorities!
Publisher: Scriptable SolutionsSource:
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